by survival foodoutlet July 27, 2022 3 min read
As we all know, water is essential for life, and the human body can only survive without it for a limited amount of time. Depending on the circumstances, on average a person can only live without water for three to seven days.
The time frame is largely dependent on several different factors including the climate. An individual is able to retain water more efficiently in a cooler environment than a hot dry place, such as a dessert. The weight, overall health, activity level, and age of the individual will also affect your longevity without water.
If you find yourself in a situation where you don't have access to clean water, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of survival. First, try to find a source of clean water, such as a spring or a stream. Almost all groundwater can be drunk with minimal risk of contamination and parasites. Streams offer flowing water where pathogens are less likely to form compared to stagnant water.
If you can't find clean water, you can still drink dirty water with several procurement options. The most common method would be to boil the water. The CDC recommends bringing water to a rolling boil for at least 60 seconds to effectively kill any harmful pathogens. If your water is especially dirty, consider using available fabric, such as a shirt or clean sock, to strain the water before and after boiling. This will filter out the larger particles of dirt and debris.
Another option is to have iodine tablets at the ready. You'll need liquid iodine (2%) or iodine tablets to disinfect water. Follow the directions on the package for iodine tablets. If you use liquid iodine, add 5 drops per liter of water and let stand for 40 minutes or longer. IF the water is especially cloudy, you'll want to add 10 drops per liter of water.
And please keep in mind, do NOT use iodine if you have thyroid issues, if you're pregnant, or for continued use longer than three weeks. Iodine tablets only protect the thyroid against radiation. If there’s nuclear fallout, iodine tablets will not help much, which is most unfortunate.
Bleach can be used sparingly to chlorinate and purify water. Use household bleach (5.25% sodium hypochlorite). Add 2 drops per liter of water and let stand for 30 minutes. Use 4 drops for cloudy water and shake very well. After letting stand for 30 minutes, smell the water. If there's no chlorine smell, add another 4 drops and let it stand for another 30 minutes. If there's a slight smell of chlorine, the water is safe to drink.
UV disinfection pens work well if the water is clear. Cloudy water will limit its effectiveness in destroying microbiological organisms.
There are a wide variety of water purification systems which you would be wise to also have on-hand. Life Straws are a cheap individual system a person can carry in a pack or thrown in a vehicle. Katadyn and other companies make hand pump style systems that can filter in the liters per hour category. This and hundreds of other high-quality and reasonably prices Water Filtration and Purifiers can be found on
As a prepper, I'd recommend keeping at least a month's worth of drinking water in supply. It's relatively cheap and the biggest issue is only space. Be sure the stored water is sealed properly.
Shallow wells with a hand pump are making a huge comeback in recent years – and for good reason. This is a sure way to provide ground water for a standard homestead and can typically be built by your average do-it-yourselfer.
These are all prepping items or steps to better your chances of survival in a disaster style situation. If you find yourself without water there are many techniques to finding and collecting water not covered here. There are also various ways to limit your water needs, including physical activity and hygiene practices. For time and space constraints, we will cover both of those topics in future Survival and Emergency Food Supply blog posts right here on these pages so please sign up to be notified.
In any case, it is always best to be prepared for a worst-case scenario. Continue to educate yourself on survival techniques and up to date on new or modified products. Stay safe and be prepared!
by survival foodoutlet March 04, 2025 3 min read
Long-term food storage refers to the shelf life of pantry edibles, not the amount of time you can survive on them (unless you’ve got 10 years’ worth of wheat and #10 cans in your root cellar, and really, who does?).
by survival foodoutlet August 08, 2022 5 min read
No doubt, one of the most important things to have on hand in a survival situation is food. While it's possible to survive without food for a short period, having a stockpile of emergency food supplies will help you and your family stay healthy and improve your chances of survival.
by survival foodoutlet August 04, 2022 7 min read