One of the best ways to save money on groceries is to buy in bulk and preserve food for later. However, if you don't know how to properly preserve your food, you'll end up wasting both time and money. While its always advised to invest in professionally packaged Emergency Food Supplies, here are some valuable and helpful tips on properly preserving store-bought food to have a longer shelf life.
We all know that if we run out of food, we'll eventually flop over dead. That's a very simple fact and one that would do us well to remember. Surprisingly however, very few people actually know how long they can survive without food
As we all know, water is essential for life, and the human body can only survive without it for a limited amount of time. Depending on the circumstances, on average a person can only live without water for three to seven days.
Preparing for emergencies is obviously not something many of us really wants to do. And no one wants to think that the worst could happen, yet we can all agree, it is better to be ready than to be caught off-guard. The world is becoming