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Long shelf life

Foods for Short-Term Emergencies

Short Term vs. Long Term Preparedness

by survival foodoutlet 3 min read

Long-term food storage refers to the shelf life of pantry edibles, not the amount of time you can survive on them (unless you’ve got 10 years’ worth of wheat and #10 cans in your root cellar, and really, who does?).

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The 10 Must-Have Emergency Food Supplies

The 10 Must-Have Emergency Food Supplies

by survival foodoutlet 5 min read

No doubt, one of the most important things to have on hand in a survival situation is food. While it's possible to survive without food for a short period, having a stockpile of emergency food supplies will help you and your family stay healthy and improve your chances of survival.

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Properly Preserving Store-Bought Food for Longer Shelf Life

Properly Preserving Store-Bought Food for Longer Shelf Life

by survival foodoutlet 7 min read

One of the best ways to save money on groceries is to buy in bulk and preserve food for later. However, if you don't know how to properly preserve your food, you'll end up wasting both time and money. While its always advised to invest in professionally packaged Emergency Food Supplies, here are some valuable and helpful tips on properly preserving store-bought food to have a longer shelf life.
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